Shared Experience: Performer survey/questionnaire regarding #bodypositivity

FIRST AND FOREMOST, Thank you for taking the time and energy to share your voice on this subject; your courage and want to speak candidly and openly about your experiences is admirable, and speaks volumes as to the person you are. Your voice shared here is a powerful, valuable and necessary contribution, and will be used to help stop the systemic complicit and inappropriate attitudes and practices that have negatively affected far too many for far, far too long. Thank you for being part of this survey/questionnaire, and for taking a vocal stand against this inexcusable historical injustice.

Note: While your first name and contact email are requested at the top of the survey, they are not not required for your participation, nor will they be published or will you identified publicly at any point now or in future without your consent. By providing these details and checking the “I agree to be contacted for follow up” box below, you are not giving consent to be named/identified, but giving permission to be contacted to engage and communicate more regarding your thoughts and experiences with this subject.